
Register or renew your trademark before fees increase January 1, 2025


The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has announced fee adjustments for the trademark registration process, effective January 1, 2025.

Trademarks are the foundation of brand recognition, and help consumers identify the source of goods and services. If you or your business are considering an application to register your trademarks, need to renew your trademark registrations, or want to oppose an advertised trademark, you can save by doing so now.

Tip: You can renew your trademark registration up to six months before it expires and, if this is your first renewal for registrations existing prior to June 17, 2019, there is no restriction on how early the renewal fee may be submitted.

CIPO Trademark Fee Increases Effective January 1, 2025

Service 2024 Fee 2025 Fee
Application for Registration (online) - first class of good/services $458.00 $478.15
Application for Registration (non-online) - each additional class of goods/services $597.00 $623.27
Application for Registration - each additional class of goods/services $139.00 $145.12
Application to Extend Goods/services - first class of goods/services $597.00 $623.27
Application to Extend Goods/services - each additional class of goods/services $139.00 $145.12
Renewal (online) - first class of goods/services $555.00 $579.42
Renewal (online) - each additional class of goods/services $173.00 $180.61
Filing Statement of Opposition $1,040.00$1,085.76
Section 44 Request $555.00 $579.42
Section 45 Request $555.00 $579.42

The complete list of fee adjustments relating to trademarks may be viewed on CIPO's website here.

Canada is a first-to-file system for trademarks, industrial designs, and patents. This means that owners should file their applications for registration as soon as possible. Otherwise, earlier-filed applications may block an owner's application and prevent a trademark from proceeding to registration. The earlier-filed application would receive all exclusive rights granted by legislation.

As the saying goes, time is money. You can save both by applying to register your trademark before January 1, 2025.
