

With a deep understanding of the First Nations people of Manitoba, combined with years of experience working with individuals, band and tribal councils and government, we navigate the legal and regulatory landscape and provide actionable advice to help our clients achieve their business goals.

Fillmore Riley played a role in some of Manitoba’s most ground-breaking First Nations projects. We were a member of the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation’s legal team that negotiated the Wuskwatim Power LP, the developer of a 223 MW generating station in northern Manitoba at a cost in excess of $1.5 billion. That was the first time Manitoba Hydro partnered with a First Nation to develop and operate a hydroelectric project. We also acted as counsel for the eight First Nations comprising the Swampy Cree Tribal Council in the development of the Aseneskak Casino, Manitoba’s first casino owned by First Nations.

With our business acumen and experience in economic development work with Manitoba First Nations and Tribal Councils, we can provide you with pragmatic advice on scenarios such as the acquisition of business interests, the incorporation of corporate bodies and the negotiation and implementation of contracts.

We also work with lending institutions to provide counsel on on-reserve residential and construction financing, on-reserve commercial financing, designated land, residential and commercial financing and off-reserve Indigenous enterprise commercial financing. Our litigation team has assisted Indigenous clients with employment disputes and general commercial litigation.

We proactively anticipate challenges and work with other practice groups at Fillmore Riley to coordinate your business affairs, providing you with a single source of comprehensive legal representation.