Firm News

Fillmore Riley lawyers share legal insights at MBA 2023 Mid-Winter Conference

The Manitoba Bar Association’s 2023 Mid-Winter Conference is one of the premier professional development events for lawyers in Manitoba. Fillmore Riley’s lawyers have a long history of helping to shape the annual conference.

Anthony Foderaro sat on the Mid-Winter Organizing Committee for the fourth consecutive year. He will also moderate “Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown”: Practical Tips for Owners, Leaders, and Managers, a hybrid session that covers the unique challenges faced by lawyers who are owners, leaders, or managers in their firms or workplaces.

As a participant in the  “Roundtable in Real Estate: General Practice Tips and Procedures,” Christine Klassen will share some of the insights she has gleaned from her practice.

Paul Grower and Johanna Caithness will discuss tax hot topics, tips and traps in the “Current Issues in Tax Law” session. They’ve presented at the Mid-Winter Conference on behalf of the MBA Taxation Law Section for the last decade.

During the “Notable Cases for Civil Litigators 2021-2022” session, Aaron Challis will discuss noteworthy cases in the area of civil litigation released by the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench and the Manitoba Court of Appeal in the past year, as well as their overall impact on civil litigation.  

The annual Mid-Winter Conference is a two-day legal conference designed especially for our Manitoba members. This event offers well-rounded professional development, networking and special events. The conference takes place January 19–20.